NTNU Pandemic Safety Measures Announcement(110/05/12)
一、嚴格落實至本校各場地(含辦公室、會議室及教室)掃描QR Code。
- 相關活動建議延期、縮小規模或取消辦理。
- 集會活動落實實聯制、維持社交距離、全程佩戴口罩/使用隔板、量測體溫、消毒、人流管制、總量管制、動線規劃等措施。
- 畢業典禮目前以100人規模辦理,並視疫情發展調整應變方案。
- 請三校區學生餐廳落實「用餐實聯制」、環境定期清潔消毒,從業人員佩戴口罩、勤洗手,協助顧客進行手部消毒、公筷母匙等個人防護措施。
- 請餐廳業者落實顧客點餐時須戴口罩之規定。
- 於餐桌上增設隔板,由廠商定期清潔消毒隔板,用餐時請勿交談。
- 對外營業餐廳應遵守地方主管機關之防疫規定。
八、自即日起於本校NTNU APP增設「具感染風險對象回報系統」及「有發燒或其他症狀自主回報系統」,請全校教職員工生隨時注意CDC最新公告,並依自身情況主動通報學校:
- 若曾出入CDC公告之確診個案活動史地點,或被通知須實施居家隔離/居家檢疫/加強自主健康管理/自主健康管理時,請主動填報「具感染風險對象回報系統」。
- 若出現發燒、頭痛、肌肉酸痛、喉嚨痛、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常等症狀,請主動填報「有發燒或其他症狀自主回報系統」。
Enhanced prevention measures in response to rise in alert level
1.You must scan the QR Codes on campus, including offices, meeting rooms and classrooms.
2.Wear a mask at all times on campus.
3.Flexible distance learning should be adopted for all classes if possible.
4.Except for classes and school team training, gyms and weight training rooms will be temporarily closed. Membership will be extended for the duration of the closure.
5.Libraries will be closed to the public.
6.Event gatherings:
- Events are recommended to be postponed, reduced in scale or cancelled.
- Gatherings should comply with the prevention measures, including the real-name system, maintaining social distancing, mask wearing, use of partitions, temperature checks, hand sanitizer, crowd/capacity control, and route planning.
- The commencement ceremony will tentatively be held with 100 people in attendance. The contingency plan will be adjusted according to the pandemic situation.
7.Dining hall regulations:
- Dining halls on the three campuses are required to implement the “cafeteria real-name system”. The environment must be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Workers must wear masks, wash hands frequently, and assist customers with protective measures such as hand disinfection and using separate serving spoons and chopsticks.
- Restaurant operators are requested to enforce the requirements for customers to wear a mask when ordering food.
- Put partitions on the dining tables and have them cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis. Refrain from conversations during meals.
- Restaurants serving the public shall comply with the prevention regulations of the local authorities.
8.The NTNU APP has added the Reporting System for Following Up on Persons at Risk of Infection and Self-reporting System for Fever or Other Symptoms. All faculty, staff and students are urged to pay attention to the latest CDC announcements and voluntarily notify the school if the following occurs:
- If you’ve been to the locations visited by the confirmed cases announced by the CDC, or been notified to undergo home isolation/home quarantine/(enhanced) self-health management, take the initiative to fill out the Reporting System for Following Up on Persons at Risk of Infection.
- If you experience symptoms like fever, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, diarrhea or abnormal smell/taste, report it on the Self-reporting System for Fever or Other Symptoms.
9.If the epidemic warning is raised to level 3, the school will immediately adjust the campus prevention measures in accordance with the latest announcements from the CDC and the MOE.