師大防疫快訊/NTNU Pandemic Safety Measures Announcement
二、落實上課點名,全校師生到本校各場所須主動掃描QR Code。
三、自即日起至6月8日止,停辦室外 500 人以上,室內 100 人以上之集會活動,但上述集會活動若能採固定座位且為梅花座、實聯制、全程佩戴口罩、禁止飲食,得提報防疫計畫(含本校因應COVID-19辦理公眾集會活動檢核表),報請地方主管機構核准後實施(副知健康中心)。
Prevention Measures in Response to Risks of Community Transmission (May 11, 2021)
1.All students and faculty should avoid crowded places and areas with high risk of infection. Wear a mask at all times during classes and meetings, comply with the real-name (contact info) system, step up personal protection measures, and maintain social distancing.
2.Enforce roll calls. All students and faculty should voluntarily scan the QR Code at designated locations on campus.
3.From now until June 8, gatherings of more than 100 people indoors or more than 500 people outdoors will be suspended. However, if the gathering can stick to staggered seating, contact info system, mask wearing throughout the event and no eating and drinking, you may submit a plan (including the NTNU Checklist for Public Assembly Activities In Response to COVID) to the local competent authority for approval before organizing the activity. The school’s Health Center should be notified too.
4.Courses with 100 students or more will be changed to flexible distance learning from May 12 to June 8.
5.Temperature measurements will be taken at entrances/exits from May 12 to June 8.
6.The school will increase the frequency of disinfecting public areas throughout campus. All units and departments are requested to maintain indoor air circulation, and clean and disinfect the environment as see fit.
Self-Report Hotline
Health Center: 3111
Student Adviser Office: 3123