- 本校持續實施校園出入口門禁管制措施,採實名制,落實使用NTNU APP(Day Pass)、掃描校內場地QR Code(包含教室),並落實課堂點名。
- 本校設置VIP體溫量測儀於人員出入密集地點,以供師生進行自主體溫量測。
- 各單位請依本校110年2月2日師大學健中字第1101002680號函文及公告至本校防疫專區網頁之「國立臺灣師範大學因應COVID-19辦理公眾集會活動檢核表」,於辦理活動前進行相關風險評估及因應措施。
- 須保持社交距離並落實實名制;如無法維持社交距離,即應佩戴口罩。
- 室內使用冷氣或中央空調時,教室門可關閉且應於教室對角處各開啟一扇窗;室內無空調時,教室可增設抽風扇與立扇並適當擺放。
- 定期針對經常接觸的物品表面(門把、桌面、電燈開關等)及經常性使用空間(教室、會議室、電梯、交通車等)進行清潔消毒。
- 每日應量測體溫,儘量避免出入公共場所,外出時應全程佩戴口罩。
- 本校師生不得進入教室上實體課程(包含實驗室、研究室等),且校內住宿生須於管理期滿後,才可返回校內宿舍住宿。
Beefing Up Campus COVID-19 Prevention and Control (April 29, 2021)
Per Official Document No. 1100058884 of the Department of Higher Education (MOE) dated April 27, 2021, all faculty, staff and students are requested to observe the following prevention measures:
1.Campus health monitoring:
- The school continues to implement campus access control and adopt the real-name system. NTNU APP (Day Pass), QR code scanning on campus (including classrooms) and roll calls must be enforced.
- Body temperature measuring devices are set up in places with high flow of people for teachers and students to take their temperature.
2.Social distancing and mask wearing: Pay attention to good ventilation and maintain social distancing. Wear a mask if not possible.
3.Protocols for large-scale gatherings:
- Follow Document No. 1101002680 of the NTNU Health Center and the NTNU Checklist for Public Assembly Activities In Response To COVID-19 on the school’s COVID-19 prevention webpage to conduct risk assessment and plan response measures before organizing activities.
- Social distancing and the real-name system must be observed. Wear a mask if not possible.
4.Ventilation and regular disinfection:
- When air-conditioning or central A/C is used, classroom doors can be closed but two windows kitty corner to each other should be opened. When there is no A/C in the room, appropriately placed exhaust fans and pedestal fans can be used.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (e.g., door handles, desktops, light switches) and frequently used spaces (e.g., classrooms, meeting rooms, elevators, shuttle buses) on a regular basis.
5.PE classes: Social distancing should be maintained in indoor and outdoor PE classes. Wear a mask if not possible.
6.Class suspension standards: Offline physical courses may be suspended according to investigation results of the CECC. Instead, online courses will be given or make-up classes during weekdays after classes resume.
7.Overseas travel: For events that require traveling overseas, alternatives should be considered first. Travel only after the pandemic has passed. If it is out of necessity or urgency, it should be reviewed and approved by the President.
8.Students should take leave of absence if COVID-19 symptoms occur: If you are experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, loss of smell/taste or other symptoms, you need to voluntarily notify the school at ext. 3111 (or Student Adviser Office at ext. 3123) or go to the school‘s Self-reporting System for Fever or Other Symptoms (https://reurl.cc/e9KoM7) to complete the notification. Immediately seek medical treatment or rest at home, and don’t go out or to school for class/work. This will not count towards absence totals.
9.During 7-day self-health management after home quarantine period ends:
- Take body temperature daily, avoid public places, and wear a mask at all times when going out.
- Students and faculty members are not allowed to physically enter classrooms (including labs, research offices) to attend class. On-campus residential students are not allowed to return to campus dorms until the management period ends.
10.Measures will be updated according to announcements from the CECC and the Ministry of Education.